What are the 4 levels of pricing maturity?
03/21/2024 - Dynamic pricing
Pricing maturity is crucial in determining a company’s ability to implement profit-boosting pricing strategies whilst maintaining project competitiveness. It is a four-level indicator—moving towards higher stages of maturity means evolving from simple, cost-based methods, to more sophisticated and dynamic approaches, such as dynamic pricing.
We will explain the four levels of the pricing maturity model so you can determine your current status, and how to progress through the levels.
What is Pricing Maturity
The concept of pricing maturity assesses the extent to which an organization has developed its pricing methods - from simple, cost-based approaches to sophisticated strategies that incorporate real-time market, competitor, and data analysis. A mature pricing strategy helps maximize revenue and profit margins. It also allows companies to respond agilely to market changes and competitors’ actions.
As companies travel along the pricing maturity path, they adopt more advanced data-driven practices, such as predictive analytics and dynamic pricing. These practices help them better understand the factors that influence potential customers’ purchasing decisions. They also allow price optimization to continuously adapt to changing market conditions.

The 4 levels of pricing maturity
According to the pricing maturity model, there are four levels of pricing maturity.
Pricing 1.0
The simplest pricing strategy is to sell any product at the price the customer is willing to pay. Although it is extremely rare for companies to adopt such a risky pricing strategy, many local market vendors use it on their stalls.
Sellers can (and do) haggle on their market stalls, depending on the time of day, how much they have sold, and even how much they like the buyer. This is a manual pricing strategy, so it is subjective.
Pricing 2.0
At this level, the company uses price segmentation. In other words, they try to sell the right product to the right customer at the right price.
Established pricing rules usually ensure some consistency within the organization. These rules typically involve maintaining a certain profit margin, cost-plus pricing, or offering a specific maximum discount.
Businesses at this level track their prices with data visualization tools such as Excel. This means that they can track costs, the number of sales and sales prices.
Pricing 3.0
Companies at the third level have a standardized pricing process that is determined by various factors. For example, they monitor competitors’ prices and control their costs to set their products’ prices. In most cases, some kind of simple software aids the pricing process.
Pricing 4.0
At the most advanced level, pricing strategies go from being something simple to becoming a complete system. Companies use algorithms to automatically determine the right price for each client and define smart pricing strategies.
To do this, they rely on advanced artificial intelligence-based pricing software, such as Reactev, which allows them to automate and optimize pricing whilst considering multiple variables.
By understanding and applying the four levels of pricing maturity, companies can significantly transform their pricing strategies, thus ensuring their success and sustainability in today’s competitive market.
Category: Dynamic pricingPricing strategy